How To Upload a PDF to Squarespace in 30 Seconds

How To Upload a PDF to Squarespace

While it's always good to have as much of your content as possible on your Squarespace website, there will be times when you want to make a PDF document available.

For example, you might want to make a menu or price list available to download or read on the go.

Alternatively, you may plan to create a lead magnet for customers that sign up for your mailing list, or offer an onboarding pack for new clients.

The good news? It's super easy to upload a PDF to Squarespace!

Here's How to Upload a PDF in Squarespace 7.1:

(This technique works for videos, zip files, music files, and Word documents too.)

  1. Sign in to Squarespace and click Edit

  2. Highlight the text you want your PDF to link to

  3. A black taskbar will pop up above your text. Click on the link icon – this looks like a chain

  4. A box will appear; click on the gear icon to enter the link editor

  5. Choose File from the left-hand side of the link editor

  6. Click the Upload File button and select your PDF file from your computer

  7. Click on your file when it's uploaded, and you'll see a checkmark next to it

    Bonus step: Here you'll also have the option to Open in New Window. This isn't mandatory, but I recommend you do this for usability reasons. That way, if someone accesses a PDF document and closes the tab, they'll still be able to browse your website!

  8. Click Save in the top left-hand corner, then click Apply

And that's it; you're done.

Nice and easy!

Don't forget! Optimize Your PDF

It's important to remember that your PDF files must be smaller than 20MB; otherwise you won't be able to upload them to Squarespace.

In addition, you should optimize your PDFs as much as possible to keep your web users happy.

Slow-loading documents can have a negative impact on your site's speed and position in the search engine rankings.

If your PDF documents are on the large side, you can shrink them in websites like Adobe before you upload them to your Squarespace site.

compress pdf for Squarespace

Can I Upload a Password-Protected PDF to Squarespace?

Unfortunately not.

You can add a password to a page though.

So if you want to lock down your content so only certain people can see it, I recommend password-protecting your page and then adding your PDF to it using the guide above.

If you password-protect your page before you add content, it won't be indexed in the search engines, and neither will your PDF document.

Want to give your Squarespace website an overhaul? Spark Plugin is the easy, code-free way to create stunning designs and customizations that users want to click on. Check out the customizations available and get in touch if you want to learn more!

Rasmus Myhrberg

Founder of Spark Plugin, a transformative design tool for Squarespace. He has been working with UI and UX design for the past 15 years, and has founded three design-focused companies during this time.

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